Sunday, March 11, 2007

Tit Bits

This time i am going to write about random things. I wish i could dig something apart from politics. But the chances are very remote. I am not sure how many of you read about an Indian MP who is not even a citizen of India. Mr.Mony Kumar Subba (I could not remember his original last name) a people representative from Assam is not even a Indian citizen. I meant he does not have legal citizenship till now (Sonia Gandhi has one! i should admit). He is the only one who never ages with years (Please leave the innocent saints off this!!). When he contested for the first time say he mentioned he was born on 1951 but in the last election his Year of birth became 1958. May be he went to kumarakonam after Atalji got his treatment and felt younger. The poor guy didn't know that he can only feel younger. But the funny thing is he forgot what school he studied. He never thought "Mahatma" would betray him. Little did he know that he is not in tamilnadu and they can open a school in the name of our "father of the Nation" even after 1967. The pity is that now only they found that all the documents he surrendered were scandalous. Leave all this! This guy is not fit to be in current politics. how come he is not blaming opposition for these findings. He should have consulted Lalu and Sibu Soren on this. Oops! Sibu soren is in Tihar right now. Anyways if at all our judiciary give him some punishment and send him to Tihar (may be in 10 years if things go well. Man! He is a MP of the ruling party!) he might get assistance. who knows he can even be a Minister? Above all this he could not use Secularism for this. Had he realised this before, he might have submitted another document proclaiming his religion. Wow!! I got an idea for this guy, Why don't he consult arjun singh and see if he can use class systems to use? (Not Eric Segal's "Class" folks, it is the BC and OC). He should have contested from Tamilnadu in DPA alliance. In that case he might have the backing of Karunanidhi who could make any statements made in the past void with his linguistic ability. But one thing is for sure his political future is really bright with impending punishment.

Next comes the Afzal hanging case. For those who know only Pakistan cricketer Fazil (I am sure there are many) he is the guy who is convicted of attack on our Parliament. He was given death sentence long ago.As usual he applied for Mercy plea to the president. After all that's the only decision of the Indian President that can be taken by him. I think this does not make a big difference to his power either. And it is still "Under consideration". I don't know why? may be Mr.Kalam is too busy with his future stint as a visiting Professor at MIT (Madras institute of Technolgy) his Alma mater. I am really happy for Mr. Kalam. He feels completely out of place there. You should be a bureaucrat to be in that position. If you are intelligent and have some conscience that's not the place. At least we could have avoided Insat-4B technical hitch and couple of unsuccessful launching. So let me get to the point. What is the purpose of having a capital punishment if we could not execute it? do we need a special court for faith? frankly that's what happening now. Not Mulayam singh and others came to help Nalini in Rajiv Gandhi murder. She got the same punishment for same crime. After all she was accomplice in murdering in one "to be" Prime minister. This guy was helping in plotting to kill 1 prime minister and 533 people representatives and bunch of other people. Just because the incident did not happen means he is not a criminal? or None of the VIPs died there ? What happened to those security personnel who lost their lives. if killing them does not deserve capital punishment why did you hang "Auto Shankar". He did not kill any popular figures. But by this apart from all these vote bank politicians, one common man (i don't know whether man is a term suited ) will be happy. He is our Moninder singh. He could also get absolved in Nithari Killings. But for that he should adopt a different faith. I am really hurt to say this, It is not good for our nation to see all the decision based on the religion the accused belong.


Aditya Patel said...

jez want to get myself the 2nd para what point r u stressing?

capital punishment shud b executed and ppl shud not be absolved? is that the point?...

Vishnu said...

allow me to voice my own opinion inspite of the impending reply for Mr. Goti's answers from Jeyaram...
I would like to clarify that Rajiv Gandhi was not a prime minister when he was killed, he was the leader of the opposition then. Just a point of GK to be noted not that his position alleviates the heinousness of the crime committed.

And the same questions as posed above bothers me.. what is it that the second para seeks to convey? religion the accused belongs to?

Jeyaram said...

Thank you guys. I am of the opinion. Punishment should be given based on the crime committed. What i was wondering is that why there is a delay when proven guilty? Vishnu sorry for the mistake. I got carried away.